Current Location£º Airrex > Produce
First,Filter molding machine front-end
Description: The filter on the machine
Second, the glue on the filter
Description: hot melt glue instead of traditional aluminum separated version
Third, the German low-volatile nature of the use of plastic
Description: The German-made Low-outgasing hot melt adhesive
Fourth, the filter forming
Description: The glass fiber filter forming state
Fifth, on the plastic box timber
Description: The German-made Low-outgasing hot melt adhesive
Sixth, the HEPA assembly
Description: The assembly completed schematic
Seventh, the cleaning action
Description: after assembling the cleaning action
Eighth,scan test A
Description: HEPA comprehensive scan test
Ninth,the scan test B
Description: Scan Test positioning defects leak location
Tenth, the test C
Description: Scan test must PASS no leakage
Elevnth,packaging before cleaning
Description: The packaging must detail cleaning
Twelvth,airtight gasket
Description: with Low-outgasing airtight gasket
Thirteentn,within the bags
Description: PVC bag handling
Description: carton packaging processing
Fifteenth, packing seal

Description: outside the box stamped "tested" Chapter
Seventeenth, prepare shipping

Pre Efficiency Air Filter    |     Medium Efficiency Air Filter    |   High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter
Clean Room Special Purpose Air Filter    |   Chemical Air Filter    |   Clean Room Equipment    |    Professional Services

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TEL£º0519-80193100 FAX£º0519-80193106  Su ICP 11004720 No.